Proyecto Cabañas

Honduras, Proyecto Cabañas Espresso

We’ve previously served Proyecto{s Anaerobic Honey Process coffee to delicious results. However, this year we are pleased to offer their washed process coffee as our milk espresso option.

Roast Profile


Coffee bean icon Ellipse icon Ellipse icon Ellipse icon Ellipse icon Ellipse icon


Flavor Profile


Coffee bean icon Ellipse icon Ellipse icon Ellipse icon Ellipse icon Ellipse icon


Tasting Notes

Cherry, stone fruit, granola

Suggested Brewing

About Proyecto Cabañas

By way of our partners at Beneficio San Vicente, we were able to connect with the Proyecto Cabañas wet mill in La Paz, located far south of the high elevations and humid conditions of Santa Barbara, and pressed against the border with El Salvador. The producers who bring coffee to the Proyecto Cabañas wet mill own on average 2.5 hectares of land. They grow mostly Lempira, a variety popularized by the Instituto Hondureño del Café (IHCAFE) in an effort to battle coffee leaf rust, a disease which ravaged farms in the early 2010s. Though it has now been determined that Lempira is susceptible to rust, many of these producers had already replaced their Pacas and Typica plants with Lempira. Experimenting with processing methods has helped raise the value of their cherry and expand the markets to which they’re selling.


Lempira, Catuai, Ihcafe 90, Pache

Processing Method


Drying Method

Raised Beds




La Paz

Illustration of Palmtrees and a buildings.



Illustration of a mountain.


1500-1900 Masl